CRIST Researchers: Dr. Genhua Pan
Thin film head design and fabrication

The project involves design, computer simulation (using commercial FEM
software) and microfabrication of thin film recording heads and MR heads for
submicron trackwidth magnetic recording. A new head structure and
fabrication method using precision FIB milling were proposed in this project
for the submicron trackwidth thin film heads and MR heads. Two papers about
the work were recently presented at INTERMAG'96. The project is currently
in collaboration with AIT(Akita Research Institute of Advanced Technology),
Akita, Japan.
Papers published:
"A new fabrication method for submicron trackwidth thin film heads",
Accepted for publication in IEEE Trans. Magn, in press, Genhua Pan, Shingo
Takahashi, Desmond J. Mapps, John F. Walker, Kiyoshi Yamakawa, Naoki Honda
and Kazuhiro Ouchi.
"A laminated dual-axial anisotropy film for submicron trackwidth thin
film heads", Accepted for publication in IEEE Trans. Magn, in press, Genhua
Pan, Shingo Takahashi, Desmond J. Mapps, Kiyoshi Yamakawa, Naoki Honda and
Kazuhiro Ouchi.
"Design issues of fully integrated submicron trackwidth single pole head
for 10 Gb/in2 areal density perpendicular rigid disks", Journal of the
Magnetics Society of Japan, Vol.18, No.S1, 575(1994), G. Pan and D.J.
"Microstructural origin of the anomalous shearing of perpendicular M-H loops
of CoCr-based media", Transactions of the Materials Research Society of
Japan, Vol. 15B, 773(1994), G. Pan and D.J. Mapps.
"A new servo method using servo layer and transverse MR head for
submicron track servo on hard computer disks", presented in MRM'95, Oxford,
UK, and accepted for publishing in J MMM. Baolin Tan, Desmond J. Mapps,
Genhua Pan and Barry S. Plumb.
"A new MR head track following Method for submicron track servo
on perpendicular rigid disks", Journal of the Magnetics Society of Japan,
Vol.18, No.S1, 579(1994), Baolin Tan, Genhua Pan and Desmond J. Mapps.
"A new MR head track following method for submicron track servo on
rigid disks", IEEE Tans. Magn, Vol. 30, No.6, 4206(1994), Baolin Tan,
Genhua Pan and Desmond J. Mapps.
"New materials for perpendicular magnetic disk recording", Transactions of
the Materials Research Society of Japan, Vol. 15B, 776(1994) D.J. Mapps,
G. Pan, M.A. Akhter and D.T. Wilton.
"In-contact magnetic recording performance of Pt/CoCrTa thin films on
glass computer disks", J. Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 120, 305(1993),
G. Pan, D.J. Mapps, M.A. Akhter, Onodera and Okabe.
"The influence of different underlayers on the microstructure and
magnetic properties of very thin CoCr films deposited by rf-sputtering on
glass computer disks", IEEE Trans. Magn. Vol.27, No.6, 4903(1991), (with
D.J. Mapps and M.A. Akhter).
"Microstructure and magnetic properties of very thin CoCr films deposited
on different underlayers by rf-sputtering", J. Magnetism and Magnetic
Materials, 113(1992), 21-28, Pan, Mapps, Akhter, Lodder, Berge, Wong and
"Very thin perpendicular films on glass disks", J. Magn. Soci.
Japan, Vol.15, No.S2, 1037(1991), D J Mapps, G. Pan and M.A. Akhter.
"CoNbFe soft magnetic thin-film backlayers for glass computer disks",
J. Appl. Phys., Vol.69, No.1, 5178(1991), (with D.J. Mapps and M.A.
"Very thin CoCr films on Ti underlayers for high-density
perpendicular recording computer discs", IEEE Trans. Magn., Vol. 26, No.5,
1615(1990), (with D.J. Mapps and M.A, Akhter).
"Study of CoNbFe films deposited by dc-magnetron sputtering", IEEE
Trans. Magn., Vol.27, No.1, 664(1991), G. Pan, A.G. Spencer and R.P.
"Co-based perpendicular recording media on Pt underlayers", Japanese
Patent, Patent No. S91098992 (1992), G. Pan, Okabe and Mapps (with Sony
Corp. Research Centre).
"CoNi thin films deposited by rf-sputtering as computer rigid disk
media", Journal of Materials Engineering, No. 6, 31(1988), G. Pan and G.D.
Fang (in Chinese).
"Deposition of amorphous CoNbFe magnetic thin films by unbalanced dc
magnetron sputtering", G. Pan, A.G. Spencer and R.P. Howson, presented at
the 7th International Conference on Ion & Plasma Assisted Techniques.
Geneva, 31 May - 2 June, 1989.
Interests: Fabrication, design and computer simulation of thin film heads,
MR heads. Study of high Bs soft magnetic materials, MR and GMR materials
for recording head application. Micromagnetic study of patterned narrow
strips of soft magnetic laminates. Study of high output and low noise thin
film media for high density magnetic recording.
Other interests: Badminton, tennis, golf and skiing.